White Papers
Welcome to our White Paper page. For our younger site visitors, think of a white paper as the more formal parent of the blog. Before blogging, corporations or other entities would often create white papers, which are essentially documents written by people about a subject where the author is a subject matter expert. Typically, the white paper addresses a certain issue facing an industry or lays out a position held by the author and their employer. Aviation is a highly regulated industry, and often white papers are great tools for disseminating information that originated from regulators to the wider public
It so happens that we are subject matter experts in all things air charter. Typically, we reserve our white paper publications for more regulatory-centric subjects. You’ll find information on regulations and safety as well as analysis on other topics such as aircraft certification. Over many years, we have been active in working with various regulatory entities on developing common sense air charter broker regulations, as well as regulations that affect the larger air charter market. We have worked closely with USDOT on several issues affecting our industry and have interacted with DHS and TSA on other security related issues affecting air charter brokers and their clients.
Looking for a lighter read? Our blogs page is a great place to find information about air charter, including market trends, dos-and-don'ts, as well as some just fun topics about air charter and aviation in general. We post fresh content on a regular basis, and love to get suggestions about blog topics. Click over and take a look.
Don’t see a white paper on an air charter topic of interest? Contact us and let us know what you have in mind. We appreciate your suggestions!